WCJ Live with Harry Denny & Anne Ellen Geller, this FRI., FEB. 21, 3pm Eastern
This just in from the International Writing Centers Association: Friends, Please join us for WCJ Live with authors Harry Denny & Anne Ellen Geller this FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 st , at 3pm Eastern/noon Pacific. Login and other important information follows: For a session abstract, author bios, and a link to Denny & Gellar’s recent WCJ article "Of Ladybugs, Low Status, and Loving the Job: Writing Center Professionals Navigating Their Careers," check out The Writing Center Journal ’s website at http://writingcenterjournal.org/ (Click “WCJ Live” on the homepage banner.) To join Friday’s WCJ Live session, click or copy and paste this link: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2009401&password=M.B5D6A4042DE30E62080EB80F817308 The following information may be helpful as you prepare to log in to the session: If this is the first time you will be using Elluminate, you may be prompted to do...