Revisiting the Role of Vulnerability in the Writing Lab
As I have taken time before I graduate to reflect back on the past year in my role as a writing lab consultant, it becomes clear that one thing has remained a constant: vulnerability is unavoidable. I first became interested in this topic during the training course for working in the writing lab. My knee-jerk reaction to the mere mention of the word made me want to run screaming in the opposite direction. Showing off my vulnerability to someone else in my life was a terrifying concept. But, as I did more research on the topic, I became engrossed in finding a way to live my life in this way—being comfortable with being uncomfortable. I finished up my first semester as a writing lab consultant and I was ready to fully embrace being vulnerable. I bought the books, did the research, and preached the concepts to any friends that would listen. I had given an informative speech on it in my writing lab training course, opening myself up and relating it ...